Bevin Werner, Temple Administrator
Bevin Werner is honored to be serving the congregation of Temple Am Echad in the role of Temple Administrator. She is passionate about inspiring individuals of all generations to live as actively engaged participants in our Jewish Life and Communities. Working in Jewish life has always been a passion of Bevin's and she is excited to work one on one with our congregation.
Bevin Werner grew up in Hollis Hills, NY where she was an active member in her Temple as a youth. She was very active in her local Youth Group and NFTY all through High School. She spent 16 summers at URJ Eisner Camp, as a camper and staff, and feels strongly that her experience there shaped who she is today. Bevin attended college at New England College in Henniker, NH, where she received a degree in American History. During college she founded the Hillel program on campus. Bevin spent the first half of her career working for a forensic psychologist, until his retirement.
Bevin lives in Levittown, NY with her husband Brian, and is the mother of her daughter Hollie and son, Dashiel (Dash). Bevin spends her spare time as a very proud Dance Mom and supporter of her daughter's dance career.
Sharon Richman, Religious School Director
Sharon Richman has worked in the field of Jewish education for 25 years. Along with her experience in public and Hebrew school education, she brings passion, vision, and a commitment to the community that includes fostering a sense of inclusivity, unity, and personal connections with students and families. She received her BA in psychology from Queens College and completed a Master's in Industrial Organizational Psychology from Baruch College and a dual Master's in Special and General Education from Hunter College. Her professional experience includes director of human resources, an extensive tenure as an educator at the Reform Temple of Forest Hills, and principal at EMBEJC.
Ms. Richman is guided by the tenet, "Chanoch lenaar al pi darko. Educate a child according to their way". Inasmuch, she emphasizes Jewish education as one that is hands-on, relevant, personal and meaningful for each child.
Lorenzo Smith, Maintenance
Lisa Eisner, Office Manager
Inspired by Ulla, Mel Brooks's creation in the film, The Producers, Lisa thought she might become a secretary. She soon learned that she had been misinformed about the requirements of the profession. No matter. Lisa rolled with it and has brought her inner Ulla to her work in the Start-Up Nation and education and synagogue life in the U.S.
Rabbi Tarfon's teaching, "It is not your responsibility to finish the work [of perfecting the world], but you are not free to desist from it either" (Pirkei Avot 2:16), is a principle of faith to which Lisa abides.
Sat, March 29 2025
29 Adar 5785